Stay tuned for new Hi! PARIS calls!!

// Internal Chairs / Fellowships program – 2025

Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce and present the first Internal Chairs / Fellowships Program within Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030**.

A central goal of Hi! PARIS is to provide long-term incentives to promote research and teaching in AI and Data Analytics for Science, Business and Society. To this end, Hi! PARIS has created an Internal Chairs / Fellowships program, which provides funding for researchers from Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030 affiliated research teams within Institut Polytechnique de Paris schools (École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis), HEC Paris, Inria (Centre Inria de IP Paris) and CNRS.

  • Two types of fellowships are offered Standard Fellowships with one or two fellows from the same institution & Synergy Fellowships (SyG) collaborative fellowships between two to four institutions.
  • Two categories of fellowships are offered: Starting (≤ 7 years after PhD) & Advanced (> 7 years after PhD)

Fellowships are allocated through an open call.

** The Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030 affiliated research teams are hosted within the partners of the France 2030 project. Eligible teams are: Institut Polytechnique de Paris (École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC), ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis), HEC Paris, Inria and CNRS.


Be ready to submit anytime to our usual Hi! PARIS projects call!!

// Collaborative and scientific projects, an open call

Hi! PARIS offers support and funding for collaborative and scientific projects to researchers of HEC Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Inria Saclay (Inria Center of IP Paris). The program covers fundamental methods for AI and data analytics as well as business applications across all sectors and implications for society.

The Center supports collaborative research projects (bringing together researchers of two or more Hi! PARIS partners), and other research activities, such as visiting researchers, seminars, workshops/conferences, internships, etc. and teaching projects linked to the Hi! PARIS AI and Data science course catalog.
The maximum budget granted to a project each year is of €10k. The maximum length of a project is 3 years.

The call for proposals for Collaborative and scientific projects is an open call with 3 deadlines each year at precise dates.
For any urgent request, the evaluation committee will take a rapid decision, even outside the deadlines initially given.


## Past calls ##

// International Invited Chair program 2024

Hi! PARIS, as part of its commitment to promoting international scientific exchanges, is launching the “Hi! PARIS International Visiting Chairs” program. This program is designed to encourage scientists affiliated with international institutions to spend extended periods of time within the Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030* affiliated research teams in France. The duration can range from several weeks to a year. The goal is to facilitate high-quality international collaborations, while at the same time giving greater visibility to our research institutions.

To make this program accessible to a broader spectrum of candidates, three categories of Chairs are proposed:

  1. International Visiting Chairs “Starting Career” (5 to 10 years of post-PhD experience)
  2. International Visiting Chairs “Advanced Career” (10 years plus of post-PhD experience)
  3. International visiting fellowships

// Fellowships

A central goal of HI! PARIS is to provide long-term incentives to promote research and teaching in the area of AI and Data Analytics for Science, Business and Society. To this end, HI! PARIS has created a Fellowships program, which provides funding for researchers at HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Fellows from the center will receive an annual budget with some flexibility in the allocation of the budget between salary, research, scientific events organization, and funding of PhD students.
Call 2020
Call 2022

// Collaborative and scientific projects

The Center offers support for collaborative projects ideally between researchers of two or more Hi! PARIS partners. The program covers fundamental methods for AI and data analytics as well as business applications across all sectors and implications for society.
Call 2020
Deadline March 15, 2021 ** Download the call
From September 2021

The call for proposals for Collaborative and scientific projects is an open call with 3 deadlines each year at precise dates: December 15 ; April 15 ; September 15. ** Download the call

From April 2022

Major updates of the call (version of April 6, 2022). Teaching projects are eligibile, specially if linked to the Hi! PARIS AI and Data science course catalog. As from 2022, a descriptive budget is requested in the proposal. The maximal overall budget of a project for one year is €12.5k (including institutional fees), establishing the maximum research project budget for one year to €10k. 
Deadlines December 15 ; April 15 ; September 15. **Download the call

From September 2024

The call for proposals for Collaborative and scientific projects is an open call with 3 deadlines each year at precise dates: September 30 ; January 31 ; May 31. ** Download the call

// Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023

For the first time, Hi! PARIS  is offering postdoctoral fellowships for excellent early-career researchers in AI and Data Science. The Hi! PARIS postdoctoral must be hosted by a research group belonging to IP Paris or HEC Paris and propose a research project relevant to Hi! PARIS.

Submission by email to mentionnig the object “Hi! PARIS Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships”. 

Call 2023
  • Call text. Download the call
    Submission deadline.
    May 5, 2023 at noon (Paris Time)
    Funding decision and notification to applicants: June 15, 2023
    Starting Date of the postdoctoral fellowships: September-November 2023
Call 2024
  • Call text. Download the call
    Submission deadline. January 15, 2024 at noon (Paris Time)
    Funding decision and notification to applicants: March 15, 2024
    Starting date of the postdoctoral fellowships: September-November 2024

// PhD scholarships

This year again, Hi! PARIS offers several 3-year grants for PhD scholarships (half grants, matched by the graduate schools of the participating institutions). The program covers fundamental methods for AI and data analytics as well as business applications across all sectors and implications for society. The PhD thesis should be prepared in one of the research laboratories of HEC Paris, IP Paris or Inria Center of IP Paris and the supervisor a member of the designated research laboratory. Applications on IP Paris ADUM
N.B. PhD projects must be submitted by supervisors before candidates can apply. Please contact the Ecole Doctorale for any issue in the application procedure on ADUM.
Call 2021
Call 2022
Call 2023
Call 2024
  • Regular Call. April 15, 2024 ** Download the call text
    Applications for half and full grants request >> Applications on IP Paris ADUM
    **NEW** Applications for complementary phD grants >> Applications by email directly to the Center.
// PhD Scholarship within the DIM AI4IDF project

In the framework of the DIM program AI4IDF, the Hi! PARIS fellows are welcome to propose PhD projects and applications to the AI4IDF call for PhD scholarships.

These full 3-year funding for PhD theses must show collaboration between the AI institute of the program. To this end, the proposals must be co-supervised by two units, with at least one supervisor from DATAIA, Hi! PARIS, PRAIRIE or SCAI.
The scientific program of the AI4IDF “Human-centered artificial intelligence in the Ile-de-France region” project aims to deepen knowledge in AI while keeping human  in-the-loop. It is divided into four axes: 1. Learning and optimization, 2. NLP and dialogue with humans, 3. Robotics, movement and interaction with humans, 4. AI in human life: health, education and creation.
Application by email
Call 2022
  • Initial call ** Download the call (in French)
    Deadline. Tuesday 17 May, 2022, before noon.
    Results. Friday 3 June, 2022
  • Complementary call ** Download the call (in French)
    Deadline. Friday 28 October, 2022, at 1.00PM
    Notification of results. Friday 4 November 4, 2022
Call 2023
  • Call ** Download the call (in French)
    Submission deadline. Friday 14 April, 2023, at 1.00PM
    Notification of results. Monday 15 June, 2023
Call 2024