// Our ambition: create a European champion on AI & Data Science for society competing with the very best institutions in the world.

The Center sets a standard of excellence with its interdisciplinary approach to high-level research projects, educational programs and innovation, which benefits science, the economy, public decision-makers and society. It takes advantage of cross- fertilization between fundamental sciences, technology, management, and social sciences, which are fields of excellence for both Institut Polytechnique de Paris, HEC Paris, Inria and CNRS. It also stimulates productive interactions between researchers, students, and organizations, enabling the emergence of high-potential projects, including startups. Hi! PARIS is becoming a destination of choice for the most talented researchers and students from all over the world, all addressing questions related to data science, artificial intelligence, their role in science, technology, business, and society.

// Four strategic pillars

Breakthrough multidisciplinary research: providing cutting-edge research, rangingfrom fundamental researchon methods for AI and data analytics, to business applications across all sectorsand implications for society.

Breakthrough, research- & industry-oriented Higher education: answering the massive need for graduates with an expertise in both data science and management, acrossall sectors of the economy.

Breakthrough, service-oriented innovation: Encouraging the development of startups and of innovative projects in AI, building on the IP Paris - HEC Paris Alliance is an opportunity.

High Impact for Society: Hi! PARIS events cultivate an interactive and collective dynamic between participants, where researchers, experts and corporate donors share expertise and foster new ideas through a variety of formats, including round- table panel discussions, keynote address and lab research presentations.

// Hi! PARIS foundation by HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris Alliance

IP Paris and HEC Paris have created Hi! PARIS to develop education, research and innovation in the fields of artificial intelligence and data analytics. Based on their joint expertise and a multidisciplinary approach, the Center addresses key challenges related to technological transformation and its impact on business and society. Theoretical and methodological research in AI and Data analytics is conducted at the highest level. The Center tackles managerial, legal, economic, ethical and societal issues emerging due to exponentially larger data sets harnessed through artificial intelligence.

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is a public higher education and research institution that brings together five prestigious French engineering schools: École Polytechnique, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. Under the auspices of the Institute, they share their combined bicentennial expertise to fulfil two major ambitions: to develop educational programs of excellence and cutting-edge research in science and technology. Thanks to the academic foundations of its five founding schools and its alliance with HEC Paris, IP Paris positions itself as a leading academic and research institution, both in France and internationally.

Specializing in education and research in management sciences, HEC Paris offers a complete and unique range of academic programs for the leaders of tomorrow: the Grande Ecole program, Specialized Masters and MSc, Summer School programs, the MBA, Executive MBA and TRIUM Global Executive MBA programs, the Ph.D. program and a wide range of programs for executives and managers. Founded in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, HEC Paris has a full-time faculty of 140 professors, 4,500 students and 8,000 managers in executive education programs every year.

// Alliance of new members

In addition to IP Paris and HEC Paris, other institution are willing to contribute to the Hi! PARIS ambition. In July 2021, Inria has joined forces with Hi! PARIS.

Inria is the French national research institute for digital science and technology. World-class research, technological innovation and entrepreneurial risk are its DNA. In 200 project teams, most of which are shared with major research universities, more than 3,500 researchers and engineers explore new paths, often in an interdisciplinary manner and in collaboration with industrial partners to meet ambitious challenges. As a technological institute, Inria supports the diversity of innovation pathways: from open source software publishing to the creation of technological startups (Deeptech).


// Empowering society with Data and AI

Hi! PARIS white book 2022, untitled Empowering society with Data and AI, focuses on the research carried out by the 9 newly recruited professors, our Hi! PARIS chair holders, and the 5 fellowship holders supported by the Center.


Executive Director

Raphaëlle Gautier

Executive director
HEC Paris

Exeutive Director Corporate & Public Partnerships @ HEC Paris

Scientific Board

Gaël Richard

Scientific co-director
IP Paris Professor

Grand prix IMT-National Academy of Science 2020, IEEE Fellow

Nicolas Vieille

Scientific co-director
HEC Paris Professor

Lanchester Prize 2003 in Operations Research, Editor of Games and Economic Behavior, associate editor of Econometrica.

Eric Moulines

Scientific co-director
IP Paris Professor

CNRS Silver medal 2010, ORANGE Grand Prix of Science Academy 2011, Elected member of the French Academy of Sciences 2017, Elected member of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) 2016.

Pedagogy coordination

One of the objectives of Hi! PARIS is to increase the teaching capabilities on methods, applications and societal implications of AI and data science in our partner schools. To this aim, the Pedagogy coordination directors’ mission are to:

  • create and maintain the link between Hi! PARIS, the activities proposed by the Center and the academic directors in charge of programs related to Data Science and AI within the partner schools;
  • promote the Hi! PARIS pedagogical activities addressed to students (e.g. hackathons, data bootcamps, summer schools, etc.) in order to bring the students’ skills to the best level on the topics covered by the Center;
  • foster collaboration between the Center and the Corporate donors in the pedagogical programs (contribution in terms of data sets, use-cases and business problems, which students can then explore programs).

  • Pedagogy coordination director for HEC Paris : Vincent Fraitot, HEC Paris
  • Pedagogy coordination director for IP PARIS : Emmanuel Gobet, École polytechnique, IP Paris


Governance committee

The Governance Committee is the governance body of the Hi! PARIS Center’s partnership. Its missions are to :

  • validate and supervise the strategic training-research plan, validate the Center’s budget and its distribution and supervise its implementation ;
  • validate the annual activity and financial report;
  • oversee the prospect of new corporate donors, examine proposals of grant to researchers affiliated to the Center formulated by the Scientific Advisory Board ;
  • ensure consistency between the scientific policies of the Center and the partners (founding members and academic members);

Hi! PARIS Executive director
Hi! PARIS Scientific Directors
Jean-Yves Berthou, Inria
Kees Van der Beck
École polytechnique, IP Paris
Catherine Gaudy
, GENES, IP Paris
Nicolas Glady, Télécom Paris, IP Paris
Johan Hombert
, HEC Paris
Didier Janci
, IP Paris
Andrea Masini
, HEC Paris
Christophe Perignon
, HEC Paris
Eric Ponsonnet
, HEC Paris

Scientific Advisory Board

Central to the Hi! PARIS governance, the International Scientific Advisory Board gathers 10 top scientists with recognized expertise in the research fields covered by the center.

Their core mission will be to provide independent, credible, and impartial recommendations on academic matters to the governance committee and the executive board of the center.

Hi! PARIS Scientific Directors
Hi! PARIS Executive Director
Francis Bach
, Inria
Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon University
Anindya Ghose, New York University
Avi Goldfarb, University of Toronto
Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley
Roni Michaely
, University of Geneva
Masashi Sugiyama
, University of Tokyo
Mariarosaria Taddeo, University of Oxford
Mihaela van der Schaar, Cambridge University
Lenka Zdeborova, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Academic Operating Committee

The academic Operating Committee groups representatives from the various institution in the center. In partnership with the executive board, its missions are to:

  • Drive the day-to-day scientific and pedagogical life of the Center
  • Manage calls for tenders (dissemination, selection and follow-up) within partner institutions
  • Propose actions originating from the academic community and/or companies
  • Disseminate within each school the topics handled by the Academic Operating Committee and the progresses made in order to mobilize the community, foster exchanges and boost initiatives.

Hi! PARIS Scientific Directors
Hi! PARIS Executive Director
Pedagogy coordination directors
Stephan Clémençon, Télécom Paris, IP Paris
Etienne Oillon, CNRS – ENSAE Paris, IP Paris
Arnak Dalayan, ENSAE Paris, IP Paris
François Goulette, ENSTA Paris, IP Paris
Ioana Manolescu / Oana Balalau, Inria et Ecole polytechnique, IP Paris
Yohan Petetin
, Télécom SudParis, IP Paris
Vicky Kalogeiton, École polytechnique, IP Paris
Anne-Laure Sellier, HEC Paris
Shirish C. Srivastava, HEC Paris

Former members:
Thierry FoucaultSylvie Putot, David Filliat, Sylvain Le Corff, Alexandre Gramfort, Philippe Choné, Maks Ovsjanikov


Affiliated researchers

Hi! PARIS support the researchers of HEC Paris, IP Paris schools and Inria Saclay by several means:

  • Recruitment of chair holders
  • Personal research grants, as Fellowship 
  • PhD fundings
  • Collaborative and scientific projects
  • Engineering Team research projects 

The researchers getting support from Hi! PARIS are referred as affiliates of the Center.

The complete list of researchers who accepted to be referrenced as affiliates of Hi! PARIS is available on the dedicated page HERE.



France 2030


As part of the France 2030 investment plan, the call for expressions of interest “Compétences et métiers d’avenir” (Skills and professions of the future was launched at the end of 2021 by the Agence nationale de la recherche and the Banque des Territoires, on behalf of the State. Through this call, the State is mobilizing €2.5 billion from the France 2030 plan to accelerate the development of new training programs or the adaptation of existing training programs to the skills needs of new sectors and professions of the future.

HEC Paris and IP Paris presented the “AccelAILearning@Hi!Paris” project, which aims to accelerate training in artificial intelligence. “AccelAILearning@Hi!Paris” was selected as one of the 66 laureates.

This government grant managed by ANR under France 2030 is referred “ANR-22-CMAS-0002”.



Hi! PARIS is participating alongside the 3IA institutes in the Ile-de-France region in the “Human-centered artificial intelligence in the Ile-de-France region (AI4IDF)” project, led by Inria.

AI4IDF, Human-centered artificial intelligence in the Ile-de-France region

The Ile de France region is home to the world’s largest mathematics community, several of France’s largest computer science laboratories, and a dense industrial fabric in Artificial Intelligence.

In this extremely rich context, the four main AI institutes – DATAIA, Hi! PARIS, PRAIRIE and SCAI – have joined forces within the “AI4IDF” program to structure and animate the community, and offer to industrial and international partners a unified vision of the exceptional forces at work.