¡ Developing our existing scientific expertise !

Methods for Al

  • Foundations of AI and Machine Learning (Machine learning: reinforcement, graph mining, Deep learning neural networks, Mathematics for Al: optimization, stochastic algorithms… Computer science: NLP, Distributed algorithms.., Simulations)
  • Symbolic Al (Logic, Interpretable Al)
  • Cybersecurity (Flow Analysis, Behavioral Analysis, Data protection, Defence and Security, Devices for Al and Energy efficient ML)

Al & Data Science for Business

  • Al and Data for Work (Future of work, Digital transformation, Marketing Analytics, New business models and digita/ entrepreneurship, Job Search analytics…)
  • Al and Data for Organizations (New organizational forms, networks, market structures…)
  • Al and Data for Finance (AccesSto credit, fintech, cryptocurrency, asset management, economics of information…
  • Al and Data for Marketing add targeting, predictive customer service, dynamic pricing, cross-selling….)

Societal Implications

  • Al for good (Sustainable ICT, micro-grids, climate…)
  • Al and Data & ethics (Human vs. machine decision, privacy, bias and fairness…)
  • Al and Data & technology (Robotics incl. bio robotics, Human-machine interface systems, Networks: Device to device, performance assessment…)
  • Al and Data for scientific complex systems (for Environment, climate change and energies; Generative models for new material/ drugs, decision-support systems,…)
  • Al and Data for Health (Health data Analytics, Health and Labor…)
  • Al and Data & Law (legal tech, privacy, predictive justice…)
  • Al and Data & Regulation
  • Al and Data & Neuroscience (decision science, psychology, cognitive science)
  • Economic and social policy implications of Al & Data (inequality, labor markets…)

Affiliated researchers

Hi! PARIS support the researchers of HEC Paris, IP Paris schools and Inria Saclay by several means:

  • Recruitment of chair holders
  • Personal research grants, as Fellowship 
  • PhD fundings
  • Collaborative and scientific projects
  • Engineering Team research projects 

The researchers getting support from Hi! PARIS are referred as affiliates of the Center.

The complete list of researchers who accepted to be referrenced as affiliates of Hi! PARIS is available on the dedicated page HERE.


ARTICLES – Professors’ analysis and research

High publication impact in the two top international conferences in AI and machine learning:
more than 1.5% of total publications, which places Hi! PARIS amongst the most impactful institutions!


// Empowering society with Data and AI

Hi! PARIS white book 2022, untitled Empowering society with Data and AI, focuses on the research carried out by the 9 newly recruited professors, our Hi! PARIS chair holders, and the 5 fellowship holders supported by the Center.

An interdisciplinary community of outstanding scientists, who lead pioneering research on AI and data science to develop a strategic vision for economic and public decision makers in France and Europe.

Hi! PARIS unites top-tier researchers dedicated to the study and advancement of AI and Data Science,
encompassing diverse specializations and practical domains. Their scientific breakthroughs will allow new
solutions to thrive in all business sectors whilst creating significant impact on society.

Our interdisciplinary research agenda is driven by our dedication to exploring and creating structures that
facilitate the progress and implementation of AI technologies

// Chairs

Eleven professors renowned in their fields, were recruited and allocated funds to build their research teams. They also contribute to education programs and supervise doctoral students, in the following themes: Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Econometrics, Machine learning for computer vision and Reinforcement learning applied to energy.


HEC Paris

Marylou GABRIÉ

Ecole polytechnique


Télécom Paris

Damien ERNST

Télécom Paris

Radu-Alexandre DRAGOMIR

Télécom Paris

// Fellowships

Six selected fellows were appointed for 3 years and allocated a budget to recruit research team members, fund PhD students and support a variety of research activities in the following themes: FinTech, Decision Making, Federated Learning, Econometrics, Computer graphics, Statistical Learning, and Smart Law.


Ecole polytechnique

Marie-Paule CANI

Ecole polytechnique

Xitong LI

HEC Paris

// PostDoc fellowships

From 2023, the Center offers 2-year postdoctoral fellowships for excellent early-career researchers in AI and Data Science.

// PhD theses

The Center offers 3-year PhD funding. The PhD students are meticulously selected for their academic excellence and highly innovative minds in the fields of AI & Data Science. They play a key role in the development and output of cutting-edge research from Hi! PARIS.

// Academic projects

The Center supports the research projects of the affiliated Professors by funding collaborative and scientific projects involving data collection, internships, invited researchers, equipment purchase, meetings and conference

Hi! PARIS Engineering Team

The team work together with our professors and researchers to produce open-source and reproducible code and to bridge the gap between research and industrial applications, preparing for transition of technologies from academia to real-world applications and driving technology transfer.


Lead Machine learning engineer

Awais SANI

Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Pierre-Antoine AMIAND-LEROY

Machine Learning Engineer

Laurène DAVID

Machine Learning Engineer


Machine Learning Engineer

The Hi! PARIS Engineering Team is made up of engineers specializing in Data and artificial intelligence. This initiative is intended to bring added value to researchers in the development of their project.

  • Support the development of research projects.
  • Promotion of reproducible research.
  • Support teaching programs (Hackathon, Data Bootcamp…).
  • Bring ad hoc expertise to research teams.
  • Maintain and deploy a data factory (a development platform).
  • Provide the necessary technical resources.
  • Promote the work of researchers.
  • Capitalize on research projects.
  • Encourage collaborations between schools in order to deepen research by mutualizing resources.

The team work together with our professors and researchers to produce open-source and reproducible code and to bridge the gap between research and industrial applications, preparing for transition of technologies from academia to real-world applications and driving technology transfer.

You are a faculty, a researcher or a student. You wish to contribute to an ongoing project.
Feel free to contact the Hi! PARIS Engineering Team!

Our Key Activities

AI Symposium

Exceptional Research Seminar

On 2022, Hi! PARIS the Center proposed the first edition of an biennially 3-day scientific conference, featuring prominent international speakers on AI and its applications to social sciences.

Invited professors and researchers are responsible for presenting these sessions, bringing their wealth of knowledge and expertise to the forefront. 

A Global AI Synergy...

ELLIS unConference

Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence

On 2023, Hi! PARIS the Center proposed the first edition of an biennially 3-day scientific conference, featuring prominent international speakers on AI and its applications to social sciences, mirroring the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) in Hawaii.

In collaboration with:
• The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, funded in part by the state of Baden Württemberg in Germany
• The ANR Chair “ANR-19-CHIA-002”

Hi! PARIS has initiated promising discussions with Germany’s Innovation Park – AI (Ip.ai) Center, seeking to forge collaborations in AI research and innovation, thereby expanding its international outreach and partnerships in artificial intelligence.

Our research in the press:

What a future without browser cookies looks like

As Google and others plan to eliminate third-party search and website trackers, other ways of identifying users and discovering their habits will replace them.

Read more

Get in Touch

Raphaëlle GAUTIER

Executive Director

+33 (0) 1 75 31 92 03


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