Sacl-AI 4 Science Workshop

The Sacl-AI for Science Workshop brings together faculty, researchers, and students interested in applying machine learning to scientific problems. It introduces foundational ML topics for novices and provides a platform for researchers to present their work and network.

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Judged on its excellence regarding teaching, research, innovation and technological transfer, as well as on the variety of its training, the consortium led by HEC Paris and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (École polytechnique, ENSTA, ENSAE, Telecom Paris, Telecom SudParis) and bringing together Inria, the CNRS, the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and the Université de Technologie de Troyes, wins the Project Call Cluster AI.

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Reflecting on the “AI & Ethics” Meet Up

At our recent "AI & Ethics" Meet Up, experts convened to discuss the pressing ethical issues in AI development. The panelists, each renowned in their respective fields, shared insights into how ethical considerations can influence and enhance the practical application of artificial intelligence across various sectors.

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Research Seminars on Gromov-Type Distances and Synthetic Data

Join us for two compelling research seminars at Télécom Paris, featuring world-renowned experts, Professor Facundo Memoli and Professor Julia Kempe. These seminars are designed to provide deep insights into the mathematical underpinnings of distances in metric spaces and the evolving challenges in AI as it scales.

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Join Us at Spring 2024!

With over 21% of public research and 15% of private R&D in France, Paris-Saclay is the #1 deeptech cluster in Europe, bringing together key players and fostering a dynamic that is unique on the territory.

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Fostering Gender Equality in Science: The Role of Men and Boys

In a bold move to challenge prevailing norms, Hi! PARIS Center organized a roundtable discussion on gender diversity in science, featuring a predominantly male panel to underscore the urgent need for systemic change. The event aimed to emphasize the pivotal role that both men and women play in driving meaningful progress towards gender equality in STEM fields.

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Look back at our last Meet&Greet!

Over the past 3 years, Hi! PARIS has achieved significant growth, driven by community support and collaborative efforts. The Meet&Greet was an opportunity to reflect on these achievements and express gratitude towards everyone who contributed to the center's success.

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