Summer School
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“AI & Data for Science, Business and Society”
The Hi! PARIS Summer School on AI & Data for Science, Business and Society will take place from July 8 to July 11, 2024 at HEC Paris, and will cover a wide range of topics in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from different perspectives and should be of interest to Master and PhD students, post docs, academics, and practitioners interested in expanding their knowledge of AI and Data Science.
Registration is now closed for the Hi! PARIS Summer School.
Keynote Addresses
Academic Round Table
Industry Round Table
Social Event
About the Hi! PARIS Summer School
This year’s fourth edition of the Hi! PARIS Summer School will feature several tutorials on a wide range of topics in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from different perspectives with two parallel tracks, Track A « Data Science and AI for Business and Society » and Track B « Theory and Methods of AI » and keynote addresses from several globally acclaimed academics. The four-day program also includes industry and academic panels targeted at initiating fruitful research conversations.
Date & Location
The Hi! PARIS Summer School 2024 will take place from July 8 to July 11, 2024 at HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas.
The site can be accessed by bus, train (RER) and car (free parking, need to pass security check).
For more information on how to get to the venue, please visit the HEC’s Map and Directions page.
Summer School Program
- 4 Keynote addresses
- 12 Tutorials with two parallel tracks : Track A – Data Science and AI for Business and Society, Track B – Theory and Methods of AI
- 1 Academic round table with our keynotes speakers
- 1 Industry round table with the Hi! PARIS corporate donors
- 1 Practical research tips session by the Hi! PARIS Engineering Team
- 1 Student-oriented practical session by the Hi! PARIS Engineering Team
- 1 Poster session
- 1 Social event
Hear What Last Edition's Participants Have to Say!
Ready To Apply?
Registration is now closed for the Hi! PARIS Summer School.
Applying for the Hi! PARIS Summer School requires multiple steps (Step 1: Application, Step 2: Approval by the program chair, Step 3: Payment by credit card only). Participants from HEC Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris schools and Inria will get quick approval. For other applicants, approval can take up to two weeks.
Registration fees
- Master students: 50€
- PhD Students/Postdocs: 200€
- Faculty (academics, researchers): 250€
- Private sector: 400€
Registration gives access to all summer school activities (tutorials, keynotes, roundtables…) and includes coffee breaks, lunches and social events. However, accommodation is not included.

This edition of the Summer School has benefited from a government grant managed by the ANR under France 2030 with the reference “ANR-22-CMAS-0002”.