Apply to the Visiting Chair Program

Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce and present our International Visiting Chair Program.

Hi! PARIS, as part of its commitment to promoting international scientific exchanges, is launching the “Hi! PARIS International Visiting Chairs” program. This program is designed to encourage scientists affiliated with international institutions to spend extended periods of time within the Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030** affiliated research teams in France. The duration can range from several weeks to a year. The goal is to facilitate high-quality international collaborations, while at the same time giving greater visibility to our research institutions.

To make this program accessible to a broader spectrum of candidates, three categories of Chairs are proposed:

  1. International Visiting Chairs “Starting Career” (5 to 10 years of post-PhD experience):
    • Targets permanent researchers with between 5- and 10-years’ postdoctoral experience.
    • Offers the possibility of a 4- to 6-month research stay spread over a 3-year period.
  2. International Visiting Chairs “Advanced Career” (10 years plus of post-PhD experience)
    • For researchers of international stature with established careers.
    • Enables a longer commitment, with a stay of 8 to 10 months spread over 4 years.
  3. International visiting fellowships:
      • Targets permanent researchers with 5+ years’ post-PhD experience.
      • Offers the possibility of a 1 to 2 months research stay as a unique visit.

** The Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030 affiliated research teams are hosted within the partners of the France 2030 project. Eligible teams are: Institut Polytechnique de Paris (École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC), ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis), HEC Paris, Inria and CNRS.

// Call 2024

  • Call Text. Download Call Text (updated on 15/10/2024, describing the eligible host research teams)
  • Extended Deadline for applications. December 03, 2024, at noon (Paris Time)
  • Evaluation of applications. December – February 2025
  • Funding decision and notification to applicants. End of February 2025
  • Starting date of the Hi! PARIS International Invited Chair position. From March 2025

// Application form