Hi! PARIS welcome presentation and discussion with Fellows
We are pleased to present our Hi! PARIS Fellows on September 27, 2021.
Our 5 Hi! PARIS Fellows will be funded for their projects for the next 3 years, starting in September 2021. Congratulations to Marie-Paule CANI (École polytechnique – IP Paris) and Arnak DALALYAN (ENSAE Paris – IP Paris) as Fellowship Advanced, Anna SIMONI (ENSAE Paris – IP Paris) as Fellowship Consolidator, Aymeric DIEULEVEUT (École polytechnique – IP Paris) and Xitong LI (HEC Paris) as Fellowship Starting!
This event is addressed to all faculties, engineers, and PhD students of HEC Paris, IP Paris, Inria Saclay and representatives of Hi! PARIS corporate donors, as well as to our scientific committee, governance committee and corporate advisory board members.
The event is held in a hybrid format with speakers on site at Telecom Paris, Palaiseau.
Hi! PARIS Fellows: Marie-Paule Cani, Arnak Dalalyan, Aymeric Dieuleveut from IP Paris, Xitong Li from HEC Paris and Hi! PARIS Directors: Nicolas Vieille, Gaël Richard