Call for Fellowships 2021 – Results
Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce the results of the Hi! PARIS Call for Fellowship 2020. Our 5 Hi! PARIS Fellows will be funded for their project for the next 3 years, starting in September 2021.
Our Hi! PARIS Fellows will be involved in courses linked to AI / Data at HEC Paris or IP Paris. They will participate actively in the scientific activities of Hi! PARIS (events, communications such as meetup, round table, meeting with corporate donor, interviews, etc.). Their fellowship will enable them to organize scientific workshops, and fund and supervise PhD Thesis during their project lifetime. The center supports his Fellows in the submission of ERC proposal within two years.Hi! PARIS Call for Fellowship in few words …
The Center offers to provide a 3-year funding for researchers from HEC and IP-Paris (flexible allocation of the budget between salary, research, scientific events organization, and funding of PhD students). The objective is to retain existing researchers and increase resources for researchers. The call for proposal is designed after the ERC model. Four types of fellowship, each with a different maximum funding: Pre-starting (Ph.D ≤ 4 years – 90k€), Starting (Ph.D ≤ 7 years – 180k€), Consolidator (Ph.D ≤ 12 years – 240k€) and Advanced (Ph.D > 12 years – 300k€).
Hi! PARIS call for proposals:

Marie-Paule CANI
École polytechnique – IP Paris
Fellowship Advanced 2021-2024
Hi! PARIS project: “CREATIVE AI : CREating and Animating Testbeds of Ideas, through Virtual Environments with Artificial Intelligence”
Research field: Computer Graphics: Smart 3D Graphics, Computer Animation, Interaction
Resume: Irène Joliot-Curie Mentorship award (2007), Silver medal CNRS (2012), Elected member of the Academia Europaea (2013), Elected member of the French Academy of Sciences and of the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy (2019). Head of the Scientific council of the French Computer-Science Society (SIF) 2020
Impact: h-index 55, publications 180 (citations 12262)

Arnak Dalalyan
ENSAE Paris – IP Paris
Fellowship Advanced 2021-2024
Hi! PARIS project: “Statistical Analysis of Generative Models: Sampling Guarantees and Robustness”
Research field: Nonparametric and high-dimensional Statistics, Statistical Learning, Computer Vision
Resume: Director of CREST (2020- ), Associate Editor of Annals of Statistics (2019- ), Journal of Machine Learning Research (2019- ), Bernoulli (2019- ), Electronic journal of Statistics (2016- ), Head of the Statistical Learning program at ENSAE Paris (2014- )
Impact: h-index 26, publications 55 (citations 2344)

ENSAE Paris – IP Paris
Fellowship Consolidator 2021-2024
Hi! PARIS project: “Macroeconomic nowcasting with high-dimensional Google Search data: theory and practice”
Research field: Econometrics, High Dimensional Econometrics, Bayesian Inference, Google search data, semi- and non-parametric econometrics, nowcasting
Resume: Bronze medal CNRS (2019), Visiting Assistant Professor à Boston College (2014), Fernand Braudel Fellow by the Department of Economics at the European University Institute in Spring 2020, Associate Editor of Journal of Econometrics (2021- ), Fellow of Institut Louis Bachelier (2021- ), PhD at Toulouse School of Economics

École polytechnique – IP Paris
Fellowship Starting 2021-2024
Hi! PARIS project: “Create new algorithms for federated learning, supported by theoretical guarantees”
Research field: Federated Learning, Large Scale Optimization, Stochastic Approximation, Non-Parametric Statistics, Deep Learning
Resume: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, PhD at Di-ENS with Francis Bach, Visiting Researcher at UC Berkeley, Postdoc at EPFL, Meta-Reviewer of ICML and reviewer in selective conferencies and journals

Xitong LI
HEC Paris
Fellowship Starting 2021-2024
Hi! PARIS project: “The Impacts of Algorithmic Decision-makers, Advisors, and Recommenders on Business and Society”
Research field: Economics of information technologies (social media, crowdfunding, digital marketing, online education), FinTech
Resume: PhD from the MIT Sloan School of Management, PhD in engineering from Tsinghua University, ANR personal grant for young researcher (ANR JCJC 2018-2020)