Hi! PARIS Webinars
The Hi! PARIS webinars present pitches of research carried out in our schools, round-table panel discussion with research experts and corporate donors and call for projects from corporate donors. The topics of the webinars are shared by all institutions and proposed in collaboration with the corporate donors.
Thursday 13 January 2022, 2.00-4.00pm
This fourth webinar will focus on illustrations of ongoing research at Hi! PARIS related to the development of AI solutions for energy transition. These solutions aim at accelerating global efforts to protect the environment and reduce energy consumption. Damien Ernst (Uliège and Telecom Paris) will discuss reinforcement learning for electrical markets and the energy transition. Then, Sam Aflaki (HEC Paris) will focus on the promotion of energy efficiency using performance-based contracts and analytics
Following their presentations, our researchers will be joined by experts in AI and machine learning to answer questions and spell out challenges related to the use of AI for Energy transition. Victor Martin (Head of numeric platform for power and sustainability R&D at TotalEnergies) will highlight TotalEnergies initiatives.
→ More info and register link on the dedicated news here
- Damien Ernst – ULiège and Hi! PARIS chair holder @ Télécom Paris, IP Paris
- Sam Aflaki – HEC Paris, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Operations Management
- Victor Martin – TotalEnergies, Head of numeric platform for power and sustainability R&D
- 13.50-15.00 – ILLUSTRATIONS OF RESEARCH AT Hi! PARIS by Damien Ernst - ULiège and Telecom Paris and Sam Aflaki - HEC Paris
- 15:00 – 16:00 – PANEL DISCUSSION: Questions from attendees will be asked to all speakers and expert panelists
Friday 01 October 2021, 3:50 to 6:00 pm
This third webinar will focus on illustrations of ongoing research at Hi! Paris related to the development of AI solutions for sustainability. These solutions aim at accelerating global efforts to protect the environment, reduce energy consumptions, make optimal inventory decisions and avoid massive wastes. Philippe Drobinski (Ecole Polytechnique) will discuss models and data to understand and predict climate change. Peter Tankov (ENSAE) will describe a game theoretical model for the industry dynamics in the electricity market. Then, Julien Grand-Clément (HEC) will highlight the use of Markovian decision processes to learn triage and reassessment guidelines for ventilator allocations to patients affected by Sars-Cov-2.
Following their presentations, our researchers will be joined by experts in AI and machine learning to answer questions and spell out challenges related to the use of AI for sustainability. Hervé Dumas (sustainable AI director at L’OREAL group) will highlight L’OREAL initiatives toward sustainability. Charles Ollion (Surfrider Foundation Europe & Ecole Polytechnique) will set the focus on Plastic Origins, a new program based on computer vision to monitor inland plastic pollution. Emmanuel Monfrini (Professor and Assistant director of training at Télécom SudParis) will describe training challenges via the Digital Engineering & Environmental Transition (INTEGRATE) teaching chair which aims at training engineering students to manage responsibly and accelerate the energy transition. Finally, Paul Benoît (CEO at Qarnot) will discuss how green cloud computing services can help providing sustainable AI solutions.
- Philippe Drobinski - Ecole Polytechnique / CNRS Senior scientist & Director of Energy4Climate
- Julien Grand-Clément - HEC / Assistant Professor in the Informations System and Operations Management department
- Peter Tankov - ENSAE / Professor, scientific director of the Green and Sustainable Finance Research Program (Louis Bachelier Institute)
- Paul Benoît, CEO @ Qarnot Computing
- Hervé Dumas, Sustainable IT director @ L’OREAL Group
- Charles Ollion, Plastic pollution expert @ Surfrider Foundation Europe
- Emmanuel Monfrini, Assistant director of training @ Télécom SudParis
- 8:45 - 9:55 – FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS OF RESEARCH COOKING AT HI! PARIS by Philippe Drobinski - École polytechnique / E4C Center, Julien Grand-Clément - HEC Paris and Peter Tankov - ENSAE
- 10:00 – 11:00 – PANEL DISCUSSION with experts and call for projects with Paul Benoît - CEO @ Qarnot, Hervé Dumas - Sustainable IT director @ L’OREAL Group, Charles Ollion - Plastic pollution expert @ Surfrider Foundation Europe
Friday 9 April 2021, 8.45 to 11.00 am
Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have resulted in the emergence of new solutions in healthcare, from automated computer-aided diagnosis to robotic surgery. In healthcare, AI must efficiently process dirty, heterogeneous and noisy data to learn statistical models as well as design and train complex architectures. This is crucial, for instance, to pull out patient traits and develop targeted treatments or to train AI models to forecast the spread of a disease using multidimensional time series data. Once the AI solution exists, an additional challenge is to ensure that medical professionals optimally use it.
- 8:45 - 9:55 – FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS OF RESEARCH COOKING AT HI! PARIS by Catalin Fetita - Télécom SudParis, Marc Lavielle - INRIA and Ecole Polytechnique, Adriana Tapus - ENSTA Paris and Gaël Varoquaux - INRIA
- 10:00 – 11:00 – PANEL DISCUSSION with experts and call for projects with Johan Aubert - CTO of L’Oréal Research & Innovation, Benjamin Farcy - Data Scientist at Capgemini, Théophile Mohr Durdez – CEO at Volta Medical
Friday 15 January 2021, 8.45 to 11:15 am
Counteracting prejudices of machine learning algorithms and managing data privacy
For the past 10 years, machine learning and AI have become increasinglycommon in high-stakes applications such ashealthcare, robotic surgery, autonomous vehicles etc. The reliability of modern algorithms and architectures makesthem appealing in a growing number of applications. The ethical implications of pervasive AI-based solutions have already begun to affect EU countries so that the development of ethics, standards, and regulation is emerging as a crucial area of research investigation. In this firstwebinar bringing together Hi! Paris researchers, corporate donorsand public policy makers, we focus on two key ethical issues: the management of AI bias and data privacy.
- 08.45-09.55 – FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS OF RESEARCH COOKING ATHI! PARIS by Christophe Pérignon - HEC Paris, Stéphan Clémençon - Télécom Paris, Ruslan Momot - HEC Paris and Catuscia Palamidessi - École polytechnique/ INRIA
- 09.55 –10.10 – AN OVERVIEW OF CNIL PRIORITIES by Bertrand Pailhès
- 10h10–11.15 – PANEL DISCUSSION with Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin - President of the Autorité Nationale des Jeux (Former president of the CNIL 2009-2020), Nesrine Kaaniche - Télécom SudParis and Moez Draief - Capgemini.