Five days of lectures, poster sessions and interdisciplinary exchanges: At the end of July, 75 members of the ELLIS community met at the HEC Paris campus for the second ELLIS unConference.
Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce its partnership with ELLIS at the upcoming 2nd ELLIS UnConference, taking place from July 24th to July 28th at HEC Paris.
A new international multidisciplinary event focused on the themes of AI and economics.
10 papers accepted at the international Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) !
24 research papers accepted at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021) !
CMAP Research and Eductaion Chairs presents Eric Xing and Aymeric Dieuleveut, 18 Nov 2021
Hi! PARIS participates in the Paris AI Week
“Metaresearch and the quest for better science”, a talk given by John Ioannidis, at École polytechnique
19 papers accepted at the international Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) !