Apply to the Internal Chairs / Fellowships Program – 2025
Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce and present the first Internal Chairs / Fellowships Program within Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030**. (Note that a second Internal Chairs / Fellowships Program will be launched in 2026 or 2027)
A central goal of Hi! PARIS is to provide long-term incentives to promote research and teaching in AI and Data Analytics for Science, Business and Society. To this end, Hi! PARIS has created an Internal Chairs / Fellowships program, which provides funding for researchers from Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030 affiliated research teams within Institut Polytechnique de Paris schools (École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis), HEC Paris, Inria (Centre Inria de IP Paris) and CNRS.
Fellowships are allocated through an open call.
Two types of fellowships are offered:
Standard Fellowships with one or two fellows from the same institution
Synergy Fellowships (SyG) with two to four fellows from several institutions Synergy fellowships are designed to promote collaboration between our institutions and to meet complex challenges. This funding mechanism objectives are to encourage ambitious, interdisciplinary research projects and strengthen connections between laboratories and teams.
Two categories of fellowships are offered:
Starting: ≤ 7 years after PhD
Advanced: > 7 years after PhD
** The Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030 affiliated research teams are hosted within the partners of the France 2030 project. Eligible teams are: Institut Polytechnique de Paris (École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC), ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis), HEC Paris, Inria and CNRS.